Seek the Path of Least Regret
What does this mean? Seek the path of least regret. It is one of the concepts my clients and I came up with over our work together, and it is powerful. Today, we will talk about regret. Regret is an emotion that can be felt somatically—it is felt in the body and can really make […]
Mindfulness and Minimalism
My love of minimalism began before I knew it would be a trendy Netflix show topic or that it was good for mental health. I was around eight years old when I first started rearranging my bedroom and creating zen-like spaces, to my mom’s delight. I loved to organize my toys and stuffies and pull […]
Heal First, Love Later
Dating with a broken heart can be tempting as a way to dull the pain from the ending of a relationship. Some might advise you just start over and get out there again. Nevertheless, until proper healing and learning from previous experiences happens, it can lead to more pain from a different direction and repeating […]
Mental Health Matters
I have been a clinical counselor observing and researching all things mental health and wellness since graduating from my mental health counseling program in 2008. I have witnessed a shift in what caring for our mental health means, especially in recent years. There has long been a mental health stigma that I am passionate about […]
Find Your Voice
In my years as a domestic violence and sexual assault prevention counselor, once running the lines of a crisis center and a safe house where we kept women and children safe while protective orders were placed in the court system, I heard from many of the women I spoke with that they always knew danger […]
When in Doubt, Play It Out
Many of us may remember that deep belly giggle-like feeling on a swing in the neighborhood park. When you felt your tummy fill with butterflies as your legs kicked out and your head flipped back, with the warm sunshine on your face. How about the last time you enjoyed a snow day? When the sleds […]