Carolina Counseling mental and physical health

Find Your Voice

In my years as a domestic violence and sexual assault prevention counselor, once running the lines of a crisis center and a safe house where we kept women and children safe while protective orders were placed in the court system, I heard from many of the women I spoke with that they always knew danger was on the way before it came. It was a deep “knowing” feeling that preceded something harmful. If you think about it, animals have this sense to them as well. They know when a storm is coming and can get themselves to safety using the internal wisdom they were born with. We are all in possession of this knowledge. It is our voice and our connection with our deepest wisdom that’s there for our protection.

Our voice is our centered self, our intuition and the connection to our internal dialogue that helps guide us by our thoughts and connection with ourselves. In scientific terms, this can be called a “gut instinct,” where the gut is connected to the brain and instinct to protect us. Thoughts and feelings combine magically in our bodies to create a feeling of centered wisdom.

This is not just with the troubled side of our lives but also with what brings us joy and happiness. It has been shared that someone just “knew” that they met the person who felt good for them and safe. Things just felt right and peaceful in some way. That is their voice and internal connection to what is right and potentially wrong for them.

This is a beautiful and powerful tool for creating a meaningful life from intention.

Think about a time in your life when you were certain about something; notice the thoughts you had, as well as the inner feelings your body may have had. This is the way to a healthy relationship with yourself, finding more inner contentment, and keeping yourself safe from harm.

To find your voice, practicing with smaller things will help: what sounds good to you today, what to eat for lunch, take a walk or rest, or what book to read next. Listen to yourself and trust your own wisdom always.  Surround yourself with people who encourage you to trust yourself as well.

Therapy can help if you need support. We are here for you @ CCWA.

With gratitude,